Our capacity is stretched to the limit. Well known for our compassionate care to all, too often we are unable to treat everyone who comes. The next phase of development has been envisioned by our leaders to build our capacity, in diagnosis, treatment, surgery and training.
Mothers in rural Angola have no access to quality healthcare. Angola ranks as having the second highest maternal mortality rate in the world, with only 30% of rural Angolan women receiving the recommended care during pregnancy. Additionally, infant deaths in Angola are 16 TIMES higher than in North America. In fact, Angola has one of the highest under-five infant mortality rates in the world. Currently, lack of staff and facilities limit the number of obstetric cases CEML can take on. High risk deliveries leave women incontinent, requiring surgery to repair fistulas.
Build and equip a Women’s Health and Maternity Centre
The hospital is about 15 kilometres from the primary residential area in Lubango. At night on call physicians must make the trek to the hospital navigating dense traffic and poorly lit street. Lack of housing for staff is a deterrent for new staff to come to the hospital.
Long term housing on the site of the hospital.
CEML Housing Compound Rendering
To accommodate growth needs the new Housing Complex will house:
In addition, the Compound will provide short term housing for international medical teams providing volunteer services.
Infrastructure upgrades include:
Cost: $9,300,000
To receive the full copy of the strategies and outcomes for Phase 2, contact Mark Faus. Donations are accepted online through MAF Canada and MAF US. Please designate your funds for CEML.
Hundreds of sick and injured come to CEML everyday for urgently needed medical care. Our hospital is often their only hope within Angola. Support by monthly donors makes our service possible. Please help. Your gift will change a life!
Donations for CEML will be receipted and processed by SIM. By clicking on the button below you be directed to a SIM donation page.
Once on the page, please ensure the following project is used. CEML Medical Benevolent Fund # A094380
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